I am an avid fan of rhythmic gymnastics and have always wanted to share my passion and thoughts in a meaningful way.
Social media platform, particularly Instagram is the most common way of sharing. That being said, I do not want to start an account that merely reposts pictures and/or videos from other accounts.
I just feel that doing so shows nothing about you as an individual. There is no character in that account, the only quality that sets one apart from others!
Unfortunately, this is what most Instagram accounts do nowadays.
*I’m not criticising any account in particular; I just felt this isn’t me and hence the thoughts.*
I need #niche.
Here's where a sudden idea popped into my mind.
I am also passionate about graphic arts. Is there a way to integrate them both?
This sudden thought hence gives birth to my secondary account. Drum rolls, please.
Let me present to you...

Yes, rhythmic.palette is now on Instagram!
The name is straight forward: it’s the #dualism of rhythmic gymnastics and colour palette. My two passions in one: how great it is!
As I have discussed in my previous rhythmic gymnastics blog posts, “artistry” is what sets this sport apart from the gymnastics family tree.
The extent of artistry implementation recognises no bounds: from the intangible music interpretation and backstory to the tangible facial expression, body movement and costume i.e. leotard.
The latter comes to play in rhythmic.palette, where I created a colour palette set for rhythmic gymnastics leotard.
Below are some of my many rhythmic palettes:
Check me out on Instagram and follow me as a sign of encouragement!
Last but not least, this account would not be possible without the generosity of sports photographers, giving me their permission to use their photographs.
Therefore, many, many thanks to fellow photographers (alphabetical order):
Anna Kull, Enrico della valle, Fanny Cortyl, Indrek Kask Photos, Irene da Rocha (also known as RG Journalism), Janire C. Photos, Kate Ianuik and Olivier Aubrais.
Signing out,
mypassion.mythoughts owns all of the published media as watermarked. The original media are given permission of use by respective photographers/owners. Kindly seek for permission and credit for reposting
Cover image information:
Damaris Juarez by Irene da Rocha