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#003 First Minecraft Spawn

Updated: Aug 22, 2020

Create a new world... random seed...

Generating a new world...

a whole new world! screenshot by my passion my thoughts
Generating new world... 9%

For some reason, I'm nervous but also excited at the same time.

It's almost done...

generating new world... I'm almost there! 88% and waiting.. cannot wait! screenshot by my passion my thoughts
Almost there! 88% and waiting...

I am alive.. in Minecraft!

I spawned in the #taiga biome, similar to my trial. I think the taiga biome is the most common Minecraft biome? Having learned from my trial, I proceeded with the textbook guidelines and my greatest achievement of the day is…

TA-DAAA! Here you go, my first house!

welcome to my first house, humble abode. everyone's first minecraft house is either a dirt hole or a dirt house. no shame in that. pewdiepie dantdm does that too... maybe? screenshot by my passion my thoughts

Uh... what? A dirt house? No, it’s partially dirt.

Okay, fine, it’s a dirt house. To my defence, though, a dirt house is the first house built by every first-time Minecrafters. At least I have some space to walk around after placing my bed, crafting table, furnace and chest!

As you can see, I build the house below a tree. "Inspired" by PewDiePie, yes, it’s a clever way to save some dirt blocks for a roof.

Now that my house is done, it’s time for extensive mining. What’s my luck with diamonds in this proper gameplay, I wonder?

For some reason, I decided not to mine close to my house and wandered around instead. I think I walked for about 200 blocks when I spotted something…

Civilisation... is that a village?

I may have taken most some of their souvenirs for my own keeping.

My. First. Minecraft. VILLAGE! What a lovely place to visit *and plenty of resources to loot*!

The village spawned at typography with such drastic changes that it looked like two complete villages:

plains village with superhero mentor's sanctuary above the mountains, in the midst of clouds. I love how well minecraft emulates the topography and biomes. screenshot by my passion my thoughts

Look at the screenshot above. It felt like the cottage at the top is the dwelling sanctuary of the guru in a typical superhero movie. And what would that be, you wonder?

Well. Every superhero starts with a defeat by his/her nemesis. The superhero is then forced to retreat and recuperate/re-learn/reflect from a guru.

And where does the guru live? On top of a secluded mountain, completely cut off from any civilisation. Doesn’t this view look exactly like it? :P

I spent my night there. Next morning, I paid every villager a visit.

I may have taken most some of their souvenirs for my own keeping.

*coughs in Minecraft*

What's next on my Minecraft bucket list? Treasure hunting, of course! So I crafted a boat—and bon voyage!

treasure hunting! pirates of carribean in minecraft! x marks the spot and give me all that loot! screenshot by my passion my thoughts
Alone by the sea... but with treasure as company

As expected, I found some wrecked ships containing treasure maps. Rowing to the “X marks the point” isn’t hard. The main challenge lies in digging: how am I supposed to pinpoint an exact block when I don’t know any of the coordinates?

In fact, I found the X rather ambiguous. I even tried locating myself directly at its middle, i.e. when I cannot even see my location anymore under the X.

Then I started digging.

What. A. Pain.

Nevertheless, I found the chest. My estimation is so imprecise that I actually “overdigged” it. I opened the chest… and wow! My first set of TNTs!!

Enough of treasure hunting, I returned to my sanctuary. Yes, sanctuary.

On my way back, however, I somehow ended up on ice mountain... I'm in a snow biome, perhaps? Can’t say this is an unfortunate turn. Look how beautiful the scenery was!

Then I came across my second village, which is at the snow biome. I love their outfits—they definitely look very cosy.

Before wrapping up this article, below are other screenshots that worth sharing (not in chronological order):

That’s the first few days of my Minecraft journey—I am concluding this as Phase II: First Spawn. If you’re wondering what Phase III will bring, then keep tabs on this blog or updates on my social media accounts. See you!

Signing out,



mypassion.mythoughts owns all of the published media as watermarked. These media are in-game screenshots. Kindly seek for permission and credit for reposting

Cover photo information:

"Minecraft #003" by mypassion.mythoughts


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