I started my Minecraft journey by trying out its trial version, to see if I’m genuinely interested in this game or simply a temporary enthusiasm.
P/S Minecraft tip: if you want to purchase Minecraft while in Australia, there's a high chance your transaction will be blocked by your Australian bank. To settle this, simply purchase Minecraft through JB Hifi or EB Games... any Australian store, generally speaking.
The trial lasted for five in-game days, which is sufficient enough to get me familiarised with the actual gameplay BUT not sufficient enough to advance further than the basics.
Real clever.
That being said, I’ve accomplished the fundamentals of Minecraft, including travelling, mining (hence the “mine” in “minecraft”) and farming.
I actually managed to mine diamonds, the most precious ore of the game, arguably also one of the rarest.
Travelling! I just travelled afar without any specific destination—not that I know what is where anyway. I love the feeling of wandering and wondering what surprise lies ahead of me.
Most of the biomes are the basic biomes, of course, although I do find some fascinating and breathtaking.
So scenic that I am bothered to screenshot and video every view, haha!
I appreciate Mojang's attention to detail.
They are all so realistic that I couldn’t believe they are all made of cubes! They leave me in awe—how much creativity and hard work poured into generating virtual realms that almost mirrors the real world.
P/S What's a biome? No worries, I initially thought it's a Minecraft jargon, made-up name. Silly me, little would I thought it's an actual term used in ecology. A quick google defines "biome" as a large naturally occurring community of flora and fauna occupying a major habitat, e.g. forest or tundra.
Do you notice the effort of emulating the moon surface via different shades of squares? I appreciate Mojang's attention to detail.
Suit up and fight.
To break the in-game boredom, the developers introduced mobs, the default Minecraft hostiles that seek to kill players (me), especially during night time. I have generally two ways to counter the mobs: prevent or fight.
Prevent by “sleeping” thereafter skipping the night, or—
During my trial session, I’ve successfully killed mobs—and getting killed by mobs.
The latter occurred more than the former, of course. Guess I have to control my anxiety and only pick fights that I can handle.
And keeping a big eye on my health bar too!
After exhausting my trial session—I’ve decided.
And hence begins my gaming blogging journey—can’t wait to share more with you!
Signing out,
mypassion.mythoughts owns all of the published media as watermarked. These media are in-game screenshots. Kindly seek permission and credit for reposting
Cover photo information:
"Minecraft #002" by mypassion.mythoughts