Hello everyone and welcome back to Guess The Hermit blog post!
"What's this game about?"
The simplest explanation: guess the hermit(s) according to a puzzle.
With each puzzle, the hermit head(s) will be placed (as an ornament) on a Minecraft Christmas tree. The game ends when all the hermits of Hermitcraft Season 7 are on the tree.
Feel free to read the introduction to Guess The Hermit for more details.
"Sounds fun! Will you include all the puzzles and answers here?"
Yes, that's the point of this blog post! There are 23 hermits in Hermitcraft 7, so I'll break this blog post into two. Part 1 contains the puzzle plus hints, whereas Part 2 is the answer.
Now grab a pencil and start guessing!
Guess the Hermit via their catchphrase.
To warm up, let's have a really easy one:
Think you know who is our Hermit Number One? Good! Write it down, and continue guessing:
Doing okay so far? Great! You better get the hang of this Christmas game because we have 20 more Hermits!
The following puzzles are based on the Hermits' Minecraft skins.
Here's our fourth Hermit:
Tip for Hermit 6: It's Christmas! So this puzzle tests your knowledge of Hermits' Christmas outfit. You know, ugly sweaters and such.
About our seventh Hermit... the puzzle isn't about the Hermit's Minecraft skin, per se... but the mysterious Hermit's face, hehe!
I bet you're warmed up now. Now guess the Hermit based on Season 7 events alone!
Starting with an easy riddle:
Hmm... a bit difficult? Then it's time to revise your Minecraft knowledge. And maybe the first few episodes of Hermitcraft Season 7 LOL
Before you pounce at the most obvious answer... This game and puzzle was meant for Season 7. Meaning your very-obvious Hermit may not be the answer here.
Think, think. Who's been the Hawkeye, or Legolas, of Hermitcraft early on? Write down your guess!
Tip for Hermit 11: Think of an iconic Hermitcraft quote in Season 7
Our eleventh Hermit is a special case... it requires more thinking. Perhaps a bit of history in Season 6, woops. For this reason, I'll give you a few tips.
Tip 1 for Hermit 12: This Hermit legally off-ed his best friend in Season 6.
Tip 2 for Hermit 12: This Hermit's friend and pet action are related to a major event in Season 7.
There aren't many major events in Season 7... so put on your thinking cap now!
Now, let's guess a Hermit based on memes:
Congratulations on making it this far... we're halfway through this 2020 Hermitcraft Christmas Game.
Let's up the challenge now, shall we?
Instead of deducing one hermit... try TWO!
Yes, there are TWO hermits in this picture alone! Put on your thinking hat, lie down and clasp your hands like Cumberbatch's Sherlock, anything that gets those brain cells moving!
Doing okay so far? Because we have 6 more Hermits incoming:
And this concludes the first part of our Hermitcraft Christmas Game 2020.
What do you think of this Christmas game? Let me know in the comments, or contact me here.
Are you confident with your answers? Think you can score 100%? Check them in the next blog post, Guess the Hermit: 2020 Hermitcraft Christmas Game (Part 2)!
Thank you for playing!
hermitcraft.snippets is a Hermitcraft fan blog and is not associated with the official Hermitcraft in any way. All published media belongs to hermitcraft.snippets unless stated otherwise. Kindly contact me should you wish to remove any of the published media.