Hello everyone, welcome back to my Hermitcraft Christmas Game, Part 2! Yes, Part 2! So be sure to read Part 1 if you haven't already! :D
A brief recap of how this game works:
Guess the hermit(s) according to a puzzle. With each puzzle, I'll place the hermit head(s) as ornament(s) on a Minecraft Christmas tree. The game ends when we have every hermit of Hermitcraft Season 7 on the tree!
Let's get the game going!
Guess our 13th and 14th hermit in this Egyptian picture alone:

Reminder, there are TWO hermits to be guessed here. Can you see it?
They are Cubfan135 and Welsknight! How's that so?
This is an Egyptian sketch, an obvious pointer to the one and only Pharoah of Season 7, Cubfan135! Oh, the figure seems to be playing senet, the Egyptian chess. Chess? Knight... Welsknight! A pun of his name, haha!
While I don't have a specific edit for Cub or Wels at the time...
I produced a cinematic walkthrough of Cub's Hermitcraft 7 mega-base, Great Pyramid!
In awe of Cub's grind, dedication, design genius, everything? That's Hermitcraft for ya! You can watch this short film on YouTube:
Now guess TWO hermits from this crossed-out Minecraft:

What could this mean... no mine in Minecraft? As in, no mining? This is no other than the GOAT of Hermitcraft... Docm77! FYI, Doc's goal was to progress the entire Season 7 without mining. And... he somehow managed it!
"What does Doc's GOAT mean? Surely not just the animal!"
Doc's G.O.A.T. is the acronym of Grind, Optimise, Automate and Thrive. He proudly called himself the GoatFather (pun of GodFather), although I prefer Keralis' version:
Doc, the GoatFarter.
Oh, who's the second hermit? It's the admin of the server, Xisumavoid... because his name is so confusing that the majority of the hermits resort to just calling him X.
Moving on to our 17th hermit:

A hermit who is associated with... Maps? In a vintage aesthetics? That's your clue right there...
Vintage Beef!
Why maps though? Because Beef's had a music shop, Beefy Tunes in Hermitcraft Season 7. It sold Minecraft music records and IRL music posters, designed using Minecraft map art.
Around this time, Beef uploaded his Christmas episode and tell us his grandfather story... I mean the heroic story(!!!) of how he hurt his arm. It was so hilarious... uh... inspirational enough that I decided, for the first time... to animate(?) it. Check this out:
Baby Yoda on Hermitcraft? In an online meeting?? Yes, guess TWO hermits of Hermitcraft 7!

Isn't baby Yoda cute? Too cute not to resist, just like how GoodTimesWithScar cherished the baby Yoda head (a Minecraft player head) gifted to him by BDoubleO100 or Bdubs.
The second hermit? It's Rendog, of course! There are two clues for this: the baby Yoda in an online meeting. Baby Yoda is from the Star Wars franchise, and you know whose base is based on this epic universe... Rendiggitydog!
And the online meeting? It's a play on Ren's corporate meeting with his log shop's employees.
"It's called Mooz... I see what you did there..."
How's our Hermitcraft Christmas tree looking like? It's looking bubbly!!

Hurry up, we have only seven hermits left. Let's goooooo!!
Our 20th and 21st hermits are based on this made-up skit:

That's really bad maths there. So this hermit is none other than the Swedish Minecraft YouTuber... Iskall85!
Or IskallMAN. Or just Iskall. Check out this montage of Iskall being Iskall... bad at maths:
So kids, please stay in school. Otherwise, you'll be a renowned Minecraft YouTuber.
Oh hang on, that's not how advice works...
Who's the second hermit? If the first hermit is to test your mathematics, then the second hermit is to test your English. Which hermit is the synonym of "Incorrect"?
False? You aren't wrong. Falsesymmetry!!
Time to test your Minecraft crafting knowledge to guess our 22nd hermit:

Minecraft recipe trivia at its finest. What makes 6 sticks and 6 sticks only? Bamboo...?
Mumbo Jumbo and his twelve bamboos!
You can check out the bamboo (bambarrr) montage on Instagram:
Everyone loves memes, hey? Hermitcraft memes are the best! Now guess the hermit according to The Office meme:

Who looked like a Minecraft bat? Who is this best friend?? Hrmmmmmm...
Well, if you snooped around Twitter, you would know it's Tango trolling his favourite British Minecraft YouTuber, Zedaph!

Sometimes you gotta love the hermits' interaction outside of the SMP. The genuine friendship that traverses beyond the Minecraft and YouTube realms!
Hang on, everyone... we only got one hermit left to be guessed! Oh, how fast time flies when you're enjoying something!
And so, with the final Hermitcraft 7 hermit:

This one definitely is a good riddle. Who's the hermit whose skin doesn't know its face? It doesn't sound logical, I know... but this hermit is a wacky Minecraft YouTuber, so I think it fits. Let's reveal the final hermit, drumrolls please...
Ethoslab! Etho Slab? Etho's Lab? Yeah.
Why Etho? If you aren't aware, Etho is one of the hermits who hasn't done a face reveal. In addition, his Minecraft skin is based on one of the characters of the Naruto manga, Kakashi Hatake. Kakashi is designed with a mask that covers half of his face, except his eyes. And it's a running joke in the manga that no one knows his face, including his own pet dogs.
Do you understand this riddle now? I hope you do!
As a closure, I've created an edit as an exercise of Etho's randomness in video editing.
And this brings an end to our Hermitcraft Christmas game, 2020. Do you enjoy this game? How many hermits do you guess right? Let's chat... I'm thrilled to know!
Wow, what a journey, what a grind! Definitely the best series on my Instagram of my account: the interactions I have with other Hermitcraft fans are so heartwarming! I will forever cherish everyone's enthusiasm and support for this game.
Now don't worry, this guessing game won't stop here. Since Christmas is an annual celebration, I have decided:
I hereby commemorate the Hermitcraft Christmas game as a hermitcraft.snippets tradition!
That means, yes, there's another game for the year 2021! And yes, that's another blog post to write!!
As a proper closure, let's have a look at our final Christmas tree for the last time...

Till then. As legendary Etho said...
Take care, bye bye! -Etho, since forever
mypassion.mythoughts is a Hermitcraft fan blog and is not associated with the official Hermitcraft in any way. All published media belong to mypassion.mythoughts unless stated otherwise. Kindly contact me should you wish to remove any of the published media.