Hermitcraft Trading Card Game (TCG) is a "mini" game created and developed by Vintage Beef. Since the start of Season 9, this Canadian YouTuber had been working hard creating Minecraft maps and engaging with audiences in customising each card to every Hermit's personality.
Beef completed this project one year later and its reception took the server by storm! The addiction for Hermitcraft TCG is no joke!
Want to know how this game works? This blog post may help!
And you know me, the snippets of Hermitcraft...
Lo and behold, TCG best moments!
A montage of Hermits being sore losers... I mean, super competitive!
Yeah, it's Hermitcraft we're talking about. These adults totally nailed healthy sportsmanship!
Like any other shenanigans, the real drama lies in the roasts and iconic quotes!
This edit was inspired by the comics/manga illustration style where the said character was struck (literally) by its criticism. So I took the extra effort to re-create these scenes. I think they turned out pretty well, what do you think?
Let's not forget Hermits are humans too. While some may effortlessly spout iconic quotes (that should be on Hermitcraft Quotes btw), some struggled to even English.
One of them turned into an orangutan... I mean, orenutan.
Oh no, end of the fun already? Nope, I have more edits incoming!
Do you have a favourite moment to share? Let's talk! :D
hermitcraft.snippets is a Hermitcraft fan blogger and is not associated with the official Hermitcraft in any form. Kindly contact me for any queries.