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Hermits IRL Face Reveal!

Writer: hermitcraft.snippetshermitcraft.snippets

Updated: Jan 14

Welcome to another Hermitcraft blog post. This time, let's learn more about their IRL self!

On a serious note:

Hermits are humans, and each values their privacy. This blog post will only share photos of Hermits who have revealed their faces, mostly via live streams, social media accounts, public events and vlogs.

You can find the Hermits' socials on Hermitcraft's Reddit wiki page. Thank you for respecting everyone's boundaries, and enjoy!

"Let's go! Pretty sure they look like their Minecraft skins!"

Well, about that... Let's start with the not-so-hermit Hermits, i.e. the ones who do not live in solitude:

Team Zits! Zedaph, ImpulseSV, Tango Tek and Skizzleman

These four men often stream together, bragging about their friendship beyond Hermitcraft.

This is more prominent for Impulse and Skizz because they've been friends since... drum rolls please... since their school days!

"Now I know why Impulse personally invited Skizz to Season 10..."

impulse and skizz podcast channel on youtube received the gold button award, a milestone for reaching 50,000 subscribers
From left: Skizz and Impulse receiving YouTube Gold Button for their podcast channel. Photo credit: Skizz's Twitter

If you're interested in their podcast and Hermitcraft in general... then this Hermits on Imp and Skizz Podcast playlist on YouTube is just for you!

Here's the moment where Skizz slapped his webcam (finally!) on his regular Hermitcraft episode:

Skizz finally showed his face on regular hermitcraft episodes!
Skizz showing off his handsome face! Photo credit: Thumbnail of Skizz's video

"Why do I have a hunch Skizz pulled a Skizz move by accidentally--"

Shhhh just let us enjoy Skizz being Skizz.

Being best buds, it's no surprise when the two invited Zedaph and Tango to their podcast:

zedaph is one of the guests invited to speak at imp and skizz podcast
Zedaph on Imp And Skizz Podcast

Tango Tek is the first guest and Hermit to be invited to the Imp And Skizz Podcast
Tango on Imp And Skizz Podcast

The next two are also guests of the podcast:

The Drama Queens: Ren the King and Scar the Mayor!

Ren, the first King in Hermitcraft history in Season 9:

rendog sharing his minecraft and youtube career on imp and skizz podcast
Rendog on Imp And Skizz Podcast

"I once saw a Reddit post saying Ren looks like a millionaire IRL... he certainly has that look!"

We also have GoodTimesWithScar, or Scar, the first Mayor in Hermitcraft history in Season 7:

Scar talking about challenges and of being disabled, but also owning it and bringing the good, positivity and strength out of situations
Scar on Imp And Skizz Podcast

Do you know what else these two "leaders" have in common?

They were both crowned by BDoubleO100... And their Loyal Hand was Cubfan135!

There's a platform where you can consistently find Bdubs' beautiful face. It's his Hermitcraft episodes: the ad sponsors LOL.

bdubs once dyed his hair blonde and he's rocking the look!
From left: Bdubs and his wife, Nikki. Photo credit: Nikki's Instagram

May I also add... Bdubs has the most creative ad sponsor videos?! Watch out for his wife, Nikki's cameos.

Next, we have the mad scientist Cub... Who, for some reason, is always the supporter of the Season's self-proclaimed(?) government.

cub meeting impulse and tango in 2015
From Left: Impulse, Cub, and Tango. Photo credit: Cub's Twitter

iJevin and Welsknight

iJevin is active on Instagram, mostly sharing him coaching his nephew's football team.

according to ijevin's instagram, he's actively helping out his nephew's football team
Proud uncle and coach, iJevin. Photo credit: iJevin's Instagram

I couldn't find Welsknight's Instagram. Fortunately, we have a few vlogs during his early YouTube career.

welsknight introducing his wife in his 2017 new year's vlog
From left: Mrs Wels and Wels. Photo credit: Thumbnail of Wels' YouTube video

Speaking of vlogs, we have a Hermit who's a professional filmmaker...

Mumbo Jumbo

The British Minecraft YouTuber has always been an avid fan of cinematography. Scroll through his Instagram and you'll find every detail artistically curated.

mumbo jumbo real face. no moustache, surprise!
Mumbo and his pet dog, Kubo. Photos credit: Mumbo's Instagram

Mumbo even filmed a truly very serious documentary of his fellow British Hermit:

Grian, the Cat Whisperer

grian real face, if you ask what does grian look like
A serious Grian. Screenshot of his documentary

At the time of writing, Grian is only active on Instagram. Our cute poultry man frequently posts his skiing trips with--

"Let me guess... more British friends?"

The Big, Tall, Handsome Mr Beans: Joel SmallishBeans

joel, smallishbeans is a british minecraft youtuber and joined hermitcraft in season 10, year 2024
From left: Joel and his wife, Lizzie (LDShadowLady). Photo credit: Joel's Instagram

"I recognise this guy. He's the most recent addition to Hermitcraft in Season 10 and is obsessed with another Minecrafter, E--"

Elizabeth! Yup, Lizzie LDShadowLady, his wife!

Do you know Joel's true prowess? His ability to remain active and creative in multiple SMP's... simultaneously!

"That's a lot of adjectives I did not ask for." -Skizzleman, HC Season 10

An example is the Empires SMP, playing with three other notable Hermits:

Gemini Tay, Pearlescentmoon and False Symmetry

These three beauties are social butterflies! You can find them everywhere: Instagram, Twitter, livestreams.

Pearlescentmoon, Gemini Tay and False Symmetry raising money for Gamers Outreach irl
From left: Pearl, Gem and False. Photo credit: Gem's Twitter

"Gem and Pearl only joined the community in Season 8 and it felt like they've been with us since forever!"

Indeed. I also discovered the other day that False is featured in a BBC article:

False Symmetry's interview after helping launch the new BBC micro:bit in the UK
Screenshot of BBC article, featuring False

The GOAT of Hermitcraft, Docm77

docm77, the goat of minecraft and hermitcraft, was invited to share his experiences at imp and skizz podcast
Docm77 on Imp and Skizz Podcast

Fun fact: Doc is old! I mean... an OG Minecrafter!

Doc was a member of Mindcrack, one of the earliest SMP's in Minecraft history. Mindcrack laid the groundwork for playing in servers with friends, eventually leading to the birth of Hermitcraft in 2012.

Our German friend isn't the only Minecraft veteran. We have three other Hermits who were former Mindcrack members, one of them being:

Vintage Beef, the Map Maker

vintage beef's birthday present by his wife: driving the ferrari 488 for a few laps
Llama Dad and his llama(?) Photo credit: Beef's Instagram

Beef is a beast when it comes to creating maps in Minecraft. His wallpapers bring eternal sunshine to everyone!

"I don't think that's tru--"

The highlight of his map-making journey? The creation of Hermitcraft Trading Card Game, 100% in Minecraft vanilla!

"That's a phenomenal achievement! Who are the other two Hermits?"

They were Bdubs and Etho!

"You've covered OG Minecrafters. How about Hermitcraft specifically... do we have OG Hermits?"

The OG Hermits: Keralis, Hypnotizd, JoeHillsTSD and Xisumavoid

"Unbelievable, we have Hermits who have been in the SMP since Season 1?!"

Indeed! I bet your expression now looks like Hypno:

diving into hermitcraft history, season 9. Hypno is the first Hermit to figure out Rusty Repair Kit in Tango's Decked Out 2
Googly-eyed Hypno. Screenshot of Hypno's HC9 ep36

"How do you know--"

And I bet this is how he looked when he roasted me on Twitter.

hypno is one of the three og hermits, the original youtuber who has been playing in hermitcraft smp since season 1
"Ehehehehe" -made up quote of Hypno. Screenshot of Hypno's HC9 ep36

"--say what now?"

Next, we have JoeHillsTSD, or Joe:

joe hills is an american minecraft youtuber. he's best known for his og membership of hermitcraft and prowess in haikus and poems
Joe and his iconic lime green colours! Photo credit: Joe's Twitter

He often streams on YouTube, so that's where you can see his face... or in different forms.

"What do you mean?"

Here's a snippet of his recent stream, good luck in figuring what's what:

JoeHillsTSD's stream on youtube, utilising his brand colours of lime green to his quirky style
Joe standing on a chair, adjusting his green screen that was overlaid with Cleo's camera

Not forgetting the screaming Hermit, Keralis:

Keralis, born in Poland but currently living in Sweden, is one of the four hermits who has been playing in hermitcraft since season 1... in year 2012
Papa-K! Photo credit: Keralis' Twitter.

As well as the other screaming OG Hermit, Xisuma.

xisuma is also known for metallic jamming, minecraft snapshots and admin of hermitcraft smp
Screenshot of Xisuma's video, "Ride The Lightning (Metallica) Guitar Cover"

"Holy, look at that bod--"

Badass music, yes! Xisuma hasn't revealed his face, so his guitar-jamming videos are the best face reveal we can get.

"You mean body reveal."

Can I also point out that X's radiator is literally the same model in another game, House Flipper haha!

Last but not least...

Rest in Peace, TinFoilChef (TFC).

tfc was the oldest hermit until his passing in August 2022 at the age of 63
o7 TFC! Photo credit: Thumbnail of TFC's video, "Return of TinfoilChef - What Happened"

"Now I know why TFC is Father Christmas in your Guess The Hermit games..."

That said, we've reached the end of the article.

"I think some Hermits are missing?"

Yup. As mentioned at the start of this article, we have Hermits who are yet to reveal their faces. They are EthosLab (Etho), xBCrafted (xB), Xisumavoid (X) and Zombie Cleo (Cleo).

Keep scrolling for some Hermits group photos. Thank you for tuning in and see you in the next Hermitcraft blog post!

Hermits and Friends!

Let's see if you can recognise who is who now:

gamers raising funds for charity 2024 Gamers Outreach. minecraft youtubers include joehills, gemini tay, impulse, grian, pearlescentmoon, good times with scar, tango, false symmetry, iskall, jimmy solidarity gaming, martyn in the little wood, skizzleman and zedaph
Hermits and friends raising funds for 2024 Gamers Outreach. Photo credit: Gamers Outreach website
Hermits gathering at twitchcon vegas in 2023, joined by streamer mr joker
Hermits hanging out at 2023 Twitchcon Vegas. Photo credit: Gem's Twitter
hermitcraft minecon in 2019. the panel guests are mumbo jumbo, false symmetry, stressmonster101, iskall85 and goodtimeswithscar scar
Hermitcraft Minecon in 2019. Photo credit: Thumbnail of Minecraft's video

Some casual meet-ups and photos uploaded by fans.

ren, iskall, stress and cub gathered with hermitcraft fans in 2018
Photo credit: MrMiner79's Twitter
zedaph, false, martyn inthelittlewood, grian, solidaritygaming jimmy, iskall, joehills posing with a hermitcraft fan
Photo credit: u/snxpvbreezy on Hermitcraft Reddit

I'm always up for collaboration. If you've personally met the Hermits and would love to share it with the community, let's keep in touch!


hermitcraft.snippets is a Hermitcraft fan blog and is not associated with the official Hermitcraft in any form. Kindly contact hermitcraft.snippets for any queries.


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