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Forewarned Complete Beginner Guide... And Tips!

Writer's picture: mypassion.mythoughtsmypassion.mythoughts

Updated: Aug 5, 2023

Welcome to the step-by-step guide of Forewarned! This blog post is written based on the Abomination Major Update and is organised according to the game flow:

Step 1: Are you ready to game?!

Before we start, let's head over to the computer room for two functions:

The Archeobay, the archaeology shop. Here you can buy and/or upgrade tools using gold.

Transcribe to translate any of your lore pages collected in your expeditions.

Forewarned: computer where players can buy and upgrade tools on archeobay, and transribe lore pages

Enough online shopping, make your way to the main lobby for the starting screen (or just press Esc). You can hover over each setting for a brief explanation at the bottom:

Tip: for beginners and/or single-player mode, I suggest smaller map sizes.

forewarne's lobby where you can customise settings on difficulty, map size, map type, privacy etc

Note: change Room Visibility to "public" if you want to create/join public multiplayer expeditions. And the advice you've probably heard thousands of times now: be careful with who you interact online. You've been forewarned...

Sorry, I can't resist the pun!

Final tip: if you're on a race for rare artifacts and/or lore pages, I suggest the Easy difficulty and Large map combo.

Step 2: Welcome to the archaeology site!

You'll spawn by the jeep, where you can see the artifact you're assigned to collect.

Warning: closing the boot will end your expedition on the spot, so only do this when you're done with your adventure!

forewarned's jeep to start and end your expedition

Head over to the tent, where you'll see several devices. Interact with the laptop to download your main and additional tasks. Click on your bag to unload your tools.

Uh... Which tool's which?

Tools are important because some help you identify the Mejai, while others protect you from it. Most of them are self-explanatory and covered perfectly in your default tablet.

From left: tablet, radio, divining rod, radar, compass, transmitter, torch, lighter, camera, flashlight, seismometer, metal detector, medkit, geiger counter, Heka amulet
Tablet, radio, divining rod, radar, compass, transmitter, torch, lighter, camera, flashlight, seismometer, metal detector, medkit, geiger counter, Heka amulet

Radio: plays music and/or news, in which the audio will be distorted if the Mejai has the "electronic disturbance" capability. The radio can also be used to distract a certain Mejai (refer to Step 6: Surviving the Mejai).

Strategy tip: the radio can be placed at the entrance so you could practically listen your way out when you're lost

Tablet: To see things invisible to the naked eye (e.g. scratch marks on "disturbed tombs"). Also used to safely cross the spikes pit puzzle room. The tablet is the crucial item to defeat two of the Mejais (refer to Step 6)

Radar: locates the Mejai in a spirit form (skull), other threats (e.g. zealots) and checkpoints (e.g. prison chamber). Note that only the Mejai (red skull) counts as "radar detection"

Radar showing checkpoints and creatures
Radar showing checkpoints and creatures

Compass: if it's rotating rigorously, this Mejai is giving a "magnetic response"

Tip: A magnetic response emits quite some noise, indicating you don't need to carry it on your main hand at all. Simply keep it in one of your inventory belt's slots and you're good to go!

Torch: *Let there be light* Ticks off "extinguished flames" when you hear a loud whoosh (sometimes extinguishing the surrounding flames too). In my opinion, this is the most useful tool as it wards off the Mejai's zealots, reanimated mummies and other in-game mobs

Tip: Have your torch at the first slot, so that you could switch to it when a Zealot suddenly spawned near you.

Transmitter: allows Q&A between you and the Mejai (unless the Mejai is known not to give a "vocal response")

Note: "vocal response" is only when the transmitter has the red message "incoming...". Do not confuse this with ambience noises. This is a spooky game; eerie background sounds are expected.

Transmitter showing red "incoming" text, indicating the Mejai is giving its vocal response
Transmitter showing red "incoming" text, indicating the Mejai is giving its vocal response

Seismometer: senses earthquakes for "tremors" (it'll beep when it exceeds 10mm)

Metal detector: ticks off "metal detection". Also a critical tool to safely cross the spike puzzle room

Note: I find the metal spikes detection a bit finicky i.e. the device doesn't beep even though there are spikes. Not sure if it's due to my imprecise aim or a random bug.

the mejais in spirit form now leaves patches of extoplasm. use your tools to detect and tick off evidence
Ectoplasms (left by the mejais in spirit form) is the best spot to check all the evidences

Geiger counter: ticks off "radioactivity". Also useful in the snake's puzzle room

Heka amulet: protects you from certain Mejai. Refer to Step 6

Now that you're familiar with the devices...

Step 3: Start venturing to collect evidence!

To open the entrance gate, toggle the blue lever. Then make your way into the tomb and wander about to collect evidence.

You could hover over your note's evidence to see each tool's attribute. Refer to Step 2 for evidence that could only be measured via relevant tools.

Other evidence that does not require specific devices:

Reanimate: when the mummies briefly move in their sarcophagus. Sometimes they would walk out of their homes to roam about (you'll hear in-game audio when this happened). The mummies could hurt you if you're too close, so burn them with your torch!

Destruction: the destruction of pots... as well as structures e.g. pillars. I don't think anyone would miss this cue...

Footsteps: self-explanatory. Stay still and you'll hear it.

Disturbed tombs: when the tomb opens or slams on its own. Use your tablet for more Paranormal Activity vibes! If you're lucky, you get to witness the Mejai magic just to close the tomb:

new animation update when a mejai tries to possess the tomb and slam it. this counts as the evidence disturbed tombs
A mejai attempting to possess the tomb

Step 4: You could explore side quests if you're brave enough... or simply greedy.

The archaeological tasks are optional, however, they are relatively simple to complete. Its full list, explanation and tips are in a separate blog post.

Forewarned guide and tipes: Use your default tablet to check your archeological tasks
Archeological tasks on the tablet

Step 5: Choose your Mejai

By this stage, you would have picked up several clues that point to a certain Mejai. Once you're satisfied with your deduction, head towards the inner tomb and make your selection.

Forewarned gaming guide and tips: One of the designs of inner tomb
One of the designs of inner tomb

BIG NOTE: the main entrance gate will be shut the moment you chose a Mejai. This is your final chance to chicken out... I mean leave the expedition with your current loot. So choose wisely!

Once the main entrance gate is shut, a blue lever will spawn randomly within the tomb. You'll need to locate it and toggle it in order to escape.

If you're no Sherlock, experience spikes at your feet and scramble to the blue lever!

If you deduced correctly, congratulations! Now you know the drill... loot everything! Gold coins, lore pages... everything. Open the main tomb at the centre of the room and voila, your artifact!

Tip: you have only a small leeway of time until the Mejai manifested physically to haunt you. So no dilly-dallying!

Step 6: Just because the Mejai loves you, doesn't mean you must love it back.

Yup, the Mejai has evolved from the spirit form to its physical form! There are six types of Mejai and their information is available in your notebook (obviously this is not the best time to read about them now LOL):


Rathos is your typical Egyptian ghost: a mummy! It treads silently while vigorously chasing after the player who holds the artifact.

Note: It's easy to confuse Rathos with ordinary mummies. There was once when I solved the game too quickly that I thought Rathos was merely another reanimated mummy.

Tip: if the entrance/exit gate is relatively close to the Inner Tomb, you could drop off the artifact first and only then hunt for the blue lever.

Technically, you could outrun Rathos. It's afraid of fire so you could swing your torch at it, although you could only succeed one or two times. And when it shrieks, it'll blow out all the surrounding flames (including your torch).

Dekan the Lost

The easiest Mejai, because Dekan has super hearing but is almost completely blind:

Yeah, that is how blind Dekan is... HOWEVER! I was once stuck in the same conundrum, yet I'm caught immediately. I'm not sure what triggered it... either way, try your best to keep a reasonable distance.

Whatever you want to do, simply: Do. Not. Run. Just walk and/or crouch your way through to the blue lever. Dekan runs much faster than you do: it will 100% catch up with you the moment you sprint.

Dekan has very loud footsteps too... so keep your ears peeled!

Forewarned guide & tips: dekan is almost blind but with super hearing. so dont run. crouch and walk all the time
Dekan is blind, therefore it has superb hearing senses

Tip 1: Place the radio far away from the Inner Tomb to temporarily distract Dekan.

Tip 2: Ensure you don't make any noise in the background. This includes all the in-game tools that may create sounds. Dekan could hear you collecting coins loud and clear...

Final tip(?): Some say not to walk on ledges because it'll create noises once you step down/away. I personally haven't attempted this... do this at your own risk!

Ouphris the Forgotten

The most interesting Mejai... because it shapeshifts i.e. this Mejai takes the form of a player. Now imagine all the chaos if you're playing in multiplayer mode!

This transformation also means Ouphris roams the tomb with the hardhat light on. You could spot it pretty far away and this gives you time to hide.

This Mejai has the longest tracking ability, so be careful when traversing long corridors. It whistles when it locked its eyes on you and when it does... run for your life!

Ouphris is one of the many mejais in forewarned horror game. this ghost can shapeshift to one of the players
Ouphris the Forgotten in its true form

Note: Even though Ouphris has the longest tracking ability, it still needs some time to register you as its target. Try to break its line of sight as often and as soon as you can.

Tip: You can use the Heka amulet to protect you from Ouphris. I personally don't really know how it works though. Let me know your experiences!

Necreph the Shadow

The second easiest Mejai, because Necreph is only attracted to light. Remember to turn off every tool that emits light: the torch, flashlight and hardhat light (don't forget!!!).

Hmm... You're complaining about the dark? Easy, use a lighter.

Necreph is sensitive of light such as torch light, flash light and hard hat light
Brightened up screenshot: safely traverse the tomb with a lighter... oh hello, Necreph!

Still too scared... I mean, dark? Navigate using your tablet's night vision (only available upon upgrade).

Use the tablet's nightmode to detect Necreph's teleported location
It's safe to look at Necreph via the tablet's nightmode

Note: Necreph is the only Mejai that teleports. It always knows where you are and tends to spawn near you. It has a sarcophagus chained to its back, meaning you could roughly tell (hear) its location by its clinking chains.

Tip: There's no way to predict where Necreph will teleport. Stay close to the walls while traversing the tomb, check every direction before entering a room or turning to a corner... And please don't run. I once sprinted and it teleported RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. I not only got caught, but I also got the best jump scare of my gaming life... and possibly a few years shaved off my actual life LOL

Talgor the Perilous

Personally, the toughest Mejai, simply because it's invisible. You could see it through the tablet, though I still struggle surviving so.

Since I've died to Talgor 90% of the time, the only tip I could offer is... sing to your heart's content? And the louder the better?

Ataimon the Abominable

The latest Mejai to be added in the Abominations Major Update, this thing is... an abomination LOL? It has plenty of eyes on its body, hinting you could temporarily stun it by shining your flashlight over it for a few seconds.

When it froze, it'll release multiple metallic abominations so be sure to also keep your torch lit and handy! Remember my very early tips: organise your inventory and have the most useful tool in the first few slots!

Here's the full video of my first encounter with Ataimon:

If you're up for more adventures, try completing the Lore Pages and ushabti!

After completing the mission, you can choose to end the expedition (by your jeep) or... exorcise the Mejai! Simply head down to the lower level (the gate is always by the stairs), complete a puzzle and proceed to the exorcism challenge.

Here are some photos of the puzzles, which are relatively simple:

Now I'm (sp)hooked... What's next?

What's next? Download the game and enjoy it yourself, duh?? Hope this blog helps and happy gaming! :D


All published media are in-game screenshots by mypassion.mythoughts. Kindly seek permission should you wish to repost

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